
Health and Climate Network Briefing 2: Energy systems that protect climate and health

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Health and Climate Network (HCN) Briefing 2: Energy systems that protect climate and health

This is the second in a series of HCN briefings presenting the link between climate action and health. This paper puts forward policies that can help tackle the climate crisis while also improving human health, allowing national governments to address two important challenges at the same time. Efforts to limit global heating to 1.5°C must go hand in hand with achieving fundamental health benefits.

Burning fossil fuels in the production of energy is the leading cause of climate change and one of the world’s greatest health risks. Providing carbon-free energy to everyone who needs it will dramatically improve human health, climate and the economy.

  1. The briefing presents 5 recommendations for a transition towards more sustainable and healthy energy for all:
  2. Improve human health and reduce premature deaths by phasing out fossil fuels and delivering sustainable energy for all.
  3. End fossil fuel subsidies and ensure the price of fossil fuels reflects the true cost of their health and environmental impacts.
  4. Eliminate deadly household air pollution by supporting clean cooking.
  5. Ensure an equitable and just energy transition.


The report is available on the Wellcome Trust resource page here, and can also be accessed through the link below:

All HCN Briefings can be found here:
