
Health and Climate Network Briefing 1: Diet and Food Systems for Health, Climate and Planet

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Health and Climate Network (HCN) Briefing 1: Diet and Food Systems for Health, Climate and Planet

This is the first in a series of briefings presenting the link between climate action and health. Diet and Food Systems for Health, Climate and Planet shows how a shift towards unhealthy diets is also driving devastating climate emissions, and these climate emissions are in turn putting pressure on crop yields and food security.

The briefing presents 5 recommendations for a transition towards more sustainable and ecologically friendly food system and diets:

  1. Promote access to sustainable, affordable, and healthy diets options for all.
  2. Remove both financial and non-financial incentives that support and promote high-emission, unhealthy food options and agricultural practices.
  3. Rapidly transition away from unsuitable farming and food processing practices that damage the environment and risk human health.
  4. Prioritise ecologically sustainable food systems to strengthen resilience, increase food and nutrition security, and lower emissions.
  5. Ensure that the transition to a more sustainable and ecologically friendly food system is done in a fair and just way.
